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Chemical Applications

chemical spectroscopy

Why an Avantes spectroscopy system for your Chemical application?


  • Knowledge on applications (turbidity,flowcell, fluorescence)

  • High temperature probes (raman, uv/vis)

  • Spectroelectrochemistry; triggering, store to ram

  • World wide network in this field


In the field of chemical spectroscopy, there are an unlimited number of applications. Chemical reactions are dynamic processes that vary with changing conditions which result in a great many possible methods and techniques.


From enzyme reactions within our cells to photosynthesis in leaves, chemical reactions play a vital role in every aspect of our lives. Factors like concentration, temperature, pressure and the presence of a catalyst affect the speed of a reaction. The study of chemical kinetics is used to characterise these processes and improve our understanding of how these factors and others change the outcome of a chemical reaction. 


One of the most evolving techniques for monitoring chemical reactions is Raman Spectroscopy - read more in the Raman application section of this website.


Fluorescence is also widely used to investigate the behaviour of Chemical compounds.

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