t. +44 (0) 1353 722558
Collimating Lenses
To convert divergent beams of light into a parallel beam, a collimating lens is required.
Our range of collimators are optimised for the UV/VIS/NIR range (200-2500nm) and have anodised aluminum housings.
The AICOL-UV/VIS and AICOL-90-UV/VIS have 6mm diameter lenses with a confocal length of 8.7mm. The AICOL-90-UV/VIS is used when a 90 degree exit angle is needed. The focal point for the AICOL-UV/VIS and AICOL-90-UV/VIS can be adjusted. The AICOL-UV/VIS can also be ordered with an FC/PC connector.
The AICOL-UV/VIS-25 is a larger version of the AICOL-UV/VIS. It has a lens diameter of 25 mm and a confocal length of 50mm. This larger collimating lens is suitable for collection of light in free space.
We also offer bespoke design for those applications with specific requirements, please contact us for details.
Transmission of Fused Silica
Custom Assemblies