t. +44 (0) 1353 722558
Inline Attenuators
For all UV-VIS-NIR applications setups where light intensity has to be reduced, we offer inline fibre optic attenuators FOA-Inline-I, FOA-Inline-P and a direct attached fibre optic attenuators (ATT-DA).
The FOA-Inline-I and ATT-DA range are iris attenuators with collimating lenses either side which controls light throughput to avoid detector saturation. The FOA-Inline-P is a low cost attenuator which uses a pin to disturb the beam and therefore reduce throughput, and doesn't use lenses.
The FOA-Inline-I and FOA-Inline-P are coupled between two SMA terminated fibre optic cables, whereas the ATT-DA can be connected directly to the light source.
The ATT-DA series attenuators come in two versions - the ATT-DA is designed for use with the AvaLight-DHc, the AvaLight-XE and AvaLight-LED. The ATT-DA-HAL-Mini is designedfor use with the AvaLight-HAL -Mini light source.
All attenuators offer fully adjustable 0-100% attenuation.
Inline IRIS Attenuator
Direct Attach IRIS Attenuator
Inline PIN Attenuator