t. +44 (0) 1353 722558
Raman Spectroscopy
Raman spectroscopy is especially useful for product identification, reaction monitoring, remote sensing and any other applicable measurement - it provides an invaluable analytical tool for molecular finger printing as well as monitoring changes in molecular bond structure (e.g. state changes and stresses & strains).
Avantes uses very high-sensitivity AvaSpec spectrometers in combination with a wide variety of lasers (including 532, 633 and 785 nm) to give you the best result for your Raman measurements. The spectrometers are appropriately configured according to the wavelength of the laser.
Key advantages of AvaRaman systems
High temp Raman probes
3 stage peltier cooling in combination with replaceable slits
New AvaSpec HERO spectrometer, crucial for signal/noise performance
Configuration options - laser and probe combination is critical
​​Triple stage TEC cooling
AvaRaman-TEC series spectrometers have three stage Peltier cooling systems, which provides cooling by -35°C vs ambient for superior dark noise reduction, keeping the detector at a steady 5°C. Thanks to the PID controller, this temperature is stable within a 0.1°C bandwidth. Every 5-7°C in temperature reduction means a 50% reduction in dark noise.
Special Raman probes are available for both fluids and solid substances. They feature different focal lengths, with special versions for high temperature and/or high pressure are available. They are always optimised for various specific excitation wavelength, with a wide selection available to enable to correct choice for your application.
We offer ideal lasers for Raman spectroscopy due to their very narrow bandwidth (<0.1 nm) - an exact wavelength is critical for the correct excitation of the molecules. Drift fluctuation is very low, under 0.25% over a period of 8 hours, perfect for reaction monitoring. Many different wavelengths are available.
Included free of charge with all AvaRaman systems, AvaSoft-Raman enables full control over your Raman spectroscopy system. In addition to most of the features available in AvaSoft-FULL, AvaSoft-Raman also features:
Auto calibration routines to determine the excitation laser peak (please note that an AvaRaman-Calibration tile is needed, sold separately)
Integration time progress bar to indicate integration time status for longer spectral acquisitions
View signal in normalised counts
Software baseline correction for fluorescence suppression
Process control add-on module is available for online analyses and control.
Also available is Panorama© software, a sophisticated modular spectroscopy software platform for demanding end users that require special analytical functions. It enables manipulation of all 2D and 3D spectroscopic data with just a few mouse clicks. It also features mathematical noise reduction, functional group assignment and advanced reaction monitoring capabilities.
Panorama Light© software is a slimmed down version of Panorama© which is only available in combination with our AvaRaman Bundles. It offers:
2D & 3D data visualization
Library searching
Archiving in spectral libraries, including additional information
Conversion of many known data formats