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Broadband 200-1700nm Fibre Optic Spectrometer


USB UV/VIS spectrometer

We are pleased to introduce the AvaSpec-UV/VIS/NIR - a highly versatile broadband spectrometer, suited for a variety of measurements in the complete UV/VIS/NIR 200-1700nm range.


It's completely contained within the same package, so no separate units are required. This is a neat solution for those requiring versatility and is an ideal companion in areas of Bioscience, Medical Diagnosis, Semiconductor & Solar Industry, Food & Agriculture, Geology & Mineralogy, Pharmaceutical Industry, Environmental Science, Forensic analysis, and many more.


The first channel is based on an AvaSpec-ULS2048L, the second on the AvaSpec-NIR256-1.7 (uncooled version). Both are complete with a replaceable slit, and are available with configurations that are similar to the options of both spectrometer models mentioned. For detailed information, please review the ages for these two spectrometers.

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